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West Oxford Primary

West Oxford Primary

01865 248862


Special Educational Needs

School SEN Leads

Special Educational Needs Co-ordinator (SENCo): Louise Siddle

SEND Governor: Elise Alexander

Phone: 01865 248862

Email: lsiddle@westoxfordschool.co.uk

Special Educational Needs Information Report

Below is a link to our SEN information report, which explains how we support children with Special Educational Needs, including:

  • How we identify and assess children with SEND
  • How we evaluate the effectiveness of our provision
  • How we monitor the progress of children with SEND
  • Our approach to teaching children with SEND and how we adapt the curriculum and learning environment for them
  • How we enable children with SEND to engage in school activities with their peers
  • Additional support for learning that is available, and support for social, emotional and mental health
  • Information about the expertise and training of school staff and the resources available
  • How we involve parents and children in planning for their needs
  • How we involve other organisations such as Local Authority support services and voluntary organisations in meeting the needs of children with SEND.

SEN information report


The Special Educational Needs and Disabilities Information, Advice and Support Service offer free impartial advice to parents in confidence. Click on the link below or:

 Phone: 01865 810516

email: SENDIASS@oxfordshire.gov.uk 

SENDIASS Oxfordshire


The Local Offer

The Oxfordshire County Council Local Offer for children with SEND can be found here:

Oxfordshire Local Offer


Special Educational Needs Code of Practice 2015:

Code of Practice 2015

Oxfordshire Guidance for SEN Support:

Early Years SEN Guidance

SEN guidance for schools


Approximately one in five children will have special educational needs and/or disabilities (SEND) at some time during their school career.

This means they may have difficulty with:

• Reading, writing or mathematics

• Understanding information and expressing themselves

• Organising themselves

• Skills in sensory perception or physical mobility

• Managing their behaviour

• Making friends or relating to adults. 


We will assess your child to identify their strengths, needs and the extra help they require.

In line with the SEN Code of Practice (2014), if needs are identified, your child will receive either; SEN Support comprising high quality, differentiated teaching in class, supported by a teaching assistant, or an Educational Health Care Plan.

This will involve parent consultations, pupil involvement (where appropriate) and external agency reports. The plan will be ratified by the local authority.

At West Oxford Community Primary School we aim to:

• Meet the needs of the whole child

• Remove barriers to learning'

• Raise pupil self-esteem

• Build pupil confidence

• Develop pupil independence

• Provide access to a relevant tailored curriculum.

Most of all, we want your child to enjoy school, make friends
and feel supported.

SEN leaflet for parents


When a child has difficulties relating to their Social, Emotional or Mental Health, we are able to offer one-to-one or group nurture sessions with our specially trained TAs, Mrs Clark-Constanti and Ms Melvin. These sessions take place in the 'Zen Den', which is well resourced and welcoming.