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West Oxford Primary

West Oxford Primary

01865 248862


All year groups cover aspects of E Safety during their Computing lessons and during cross-curricular work, especially during Internet Safety Week.

This year, and perhaps something that is more important than ever for our pupils, Safer Internet Day is on Tuesday 11th February 2025. We will be carrying out activities with our classes throughout this week during our remote learning, using resources such as those available on the Safer Internet Day website and videos and activities produced by Barefoot Computing.

 To support learning about E Safety, Key stage 1 have read the story of Smartie the Penguin to help them think about how to act safely online.


Resources such as Childnet International and UK Safer Internet Centre support learning within the curriculum.


Websites such as Be Internet Legends can support E Safety Learning at home.

Read about DigiDuck's adventures and support your child in understanding E Safety issues with Digiduck's Big Decision, Digiduck's Famous Friend, and   Detective Digiduck.

There are E Safety tips for parents and carers on the NSPCC Website.


E-Safety teaching is in line with the National Curriculum objectives for KS1 and KS2 which can be viewed here.

primary national curriculum computing 3.pdf

 Safer Internet Day - Activities


Safer Internet day

We made posters on how to keep safe online