At West Oxford School we believe that the arts are central to delivering a broad and balanced curriculum. They provide our children with a variety of engaging and exciting opportunities that enable them to develop positively in their learning, academically as well as socially, emotionally and culturally. Through participating in the arts we believe that our children will develop confidence, resilience and resourcefulness, and discover passions that they will take with them into adulthood.
Music is an important part of life at West Oxford Community School. Class music lessons are taught either by class teachers or by our specialist music teacher Jo Gill. Our Year 5 class receive ‘First Access’ whole class instrument lessons from a specialised teacher. This year they are enjoying learning the ukulele. Individual and small group music lessons, for a variety of different instruments, are taught throughout the week with peripatetic music teachers. Children in KS2 also have the opportunity to join a wonderful choir run by OCMS (Oxfordshire County Music Service). Music assemblies and concerts are held regularly throughout the year, enabling the children an opportunity to perform to an audience. We also enjoy participating in a number of external music events each year, such as a workshop with the Oxford Philharmonic Orchestra, the ‘Festival of Voices’ Concert at Dorchester Abby and ‘The Big Christmas Sing’ at the Town Hall.
Year 6 children performing at the Town Hall in 'The Big Christmas Sing' 2022
West Oxford School Choir singing at the Festival of Voices at Dorchester Abby.
The art curriculum is planned and delivered by class teachers as part of their cross-curricular topics. A range of art work is displayed throughout the school and an end of year art exhibition is held each year in the school hall to showcase a wide range of art work produced by the children from foundation to Year 6. Take a look at our 2021 Virtual Art Exhibition on this website!
The children regularly visit local museums and galleries and often participate in art projects in partnership with local artists and arts organisations. Each year we enter the ‘Young Art Oxford’ Competition and many children have enjoyed seeing their work displayed in the exhibition held at the Ashmolean Museum. This year a number of children in KS1 were chosen to have their art work projected on the walls of Oxford Castle during their 950th year celebrations! With the support of a visiting artist our Year 5 class made wonderful lanterns which were displayed around the school fence as part of the Oxford Christmas Light Festival. During our recent Eco Week many children participated in a workshop with a local artist to create two recycled Bottle Men. These are now standing proudly in our school playground!
Beautiful lanterns made by Beech Class for the Oxford Christmas Light Festival 2022.
. KS1 art work projected onto Oxford Castle during their 950th year celebrations!
Recycled 'Bottle Man'
Young Art Oxford 2020 Competition Winners! The theme was "2020 Vision"
Dance and drama
Dance and drama are taught throughout the year by teachers as part of the PE and English curriculum. Opportunities for performance are offered in class assemblies and productions throughout the year. Children in our dance club performed a fantastic routine at the New Theatre in the Dance Festival. Year 3 took part in an exciting storytelling project run by OXCEP (Oxford Cultural Education Partnership). This culminated in a wonderful performance at the Town Hall, along with other Oxford schools.
Our dance club performed a fantastic routine at the New Theatre in December. The theme was Winter Themes and Christmas Dreams.
Arts Week Project
Each year a cross-curricular Arts Week Project is held in school based on a given theme. During this week the whole school community is immersed in a variety of exciting arts activities and events. Last year the theme for our Arts Week was ‘Street Art’. The children explored the purpose and different forms of street art, and they looked closely at the work of artists such as Keith Haring, Banksy and Stik. They had great fun designing 'grafitti walls', using spray paints, making collaborative murals and sculptures, printing t-shirts, weaving and even painting the shed!
Arts Award
As an Arts Award centre, the children at West Oxford regularly have the opportunity to take part in Arts Award Discover or Explore. This is a nationally recognised award that encourages children to connect with and take part in the wider arts. In order to achieve the award the children participate in a variety of arts activities, research artists and their work and then share their arts discoveries in an exhibition or performance.
We are at present working towards our Artsmark Award. Artsmark is an award for schools who demonstrate their commitment to embedding arts and cultural provision at the heart of their school. We have submitted our Statement of Commitment and will hopefully be completing our final case study soon.